Resin Impregnated Glass Fiber


2MM Braided 
3MM Braided 
3MM Uni–Axial


Made with dental resin, reinforced by high performance glass fibers. It simplifies the splinting process by providing pre-impregnated fibers that are properly wetted by the resin, and no need to apply resin during the process. The fiber surfaces are pre-treated to enhance the bonding between fibers and resin.

 1.To stabilize loose teeth by joining together with the adjacent teeth

 2. To reinforce temporary crown and bridge
 3. Ideal for denture repair to increase fracture toughness and to prevent crack propagation
 4. To maintain space during orthodontic treatments
Splint-S Features:

 1.Pleasant esthetics, light cure-able

 2. Easy adaptation into interproximal areas
 3. Strong mechanical properties, reinforced by high performance glass fibers
 4. Compatible with resin composites, provides good bonding
Technical Data:
Property Test Method Braided Uni-Axial
Flexural Strength (MPa) ISO 10477 300 600
Flexural Modulus (GPa) ISO 10477 18 22
Fiber content (weight %) Ash Test >=50 >=50
Water Absorption (µg/mm3) ISO 10477 <32 <32
Water Solubility (µg/mm3) ISO 10477 <5 <5